
Goodreads is a great resource for readers. I don’t know about you, but my memory isn’t always the best. I forget sometimes, which books I have read even.

This is the best site I found not only for keeping track of what I have been reading, but also to write reviews for others to see (some of which spark quite lively debate) and that one can read to figure out which books are next on the list!

It is very helpful to read other’s opinions of any given book. What starts out as a means of recording preferences, books one wants to read etc. quickly becomes a very useful resource for the serious and casual reader alike. It’s free as well! I have never failed to find a book listed on there.

It isn’t without glitches. In the past there have been a couple of times when data is not showing but those issues are always quickly rectified and, for the most part, the site is highly reliable and stable. It offers the ability to add friends and to examine other people’s lists so you can follow reviews and build up a community of like minded readers. An excellent way to share thoughts and comments in what is, often times, a  solitary pastime!

I am sure most people know of it either as a website or mobile app or both. The latest version lets you scan a book barcode or even the cover so that you can update your lists as you go. This is invaluable if, like me, you peruse bookstores for the latest books that you may wish to purchase or reserve at the library. It is a go to resource for sure.